Kansai-Airport Rapid is tailored to accommodate the budget-conscious traveler while still offering an efficient journey. If you take the train from Kansai Internatonal Airport, you can go many major places in Osaka with changing trains less than 1 time.
When you are heading to Osaka from the airport, there is no problem even if you take the train that just comes. All seats are non-reserved as the train has the role of not only accessing to airport but also regional transportation.
You need to be careful when you are going to the airport because Kansai-Airport Rapid trains are coupled with Kishuji Rapid trains which follow a different course down to Wakayama until they reach Hineno Station. You have to be sure that you board one of the front four cars as these will go to the correct destination.
Your luggage is recommended to put down if it is too large to carry on a plane because the shelf over the seats is only 1 ft in width. If you place there something big forcibly, it may fall, which is dangerous.
As shown in the picture above, the aisle is made to be spacious assuming that many people with suitcases come on board.
The legroom is a little wider than airplane economy class. It is definitely more comfortable not to put anything here.